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Sean A. Daigre, Sr. | Day 35 of 40 Days

Road Map to Quiet a Troubled Heart

Welcome to day 35 of our 40 day countdown to Easter 2019! Road Map to Quiet a Troubled Heart. A troubled heart is when something happens or doesn't happen that leaves you feeling frustrated, discouraged or maybe even defeated. It happens to all of us and it may be something you're going through right now. If not, the next time something troubles your heart, use this road map to help quiet the noise.

1. Enter into the Presence of God. Learn how to lift your hands and worship the Lord. This is where the power of God acts like a "first responder" by showing up first on the scene to aid and assist you in any way He can. 2 Cor 3:17 says, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." In His presence, you will find fullness of joy.

2. Receive Encouragement and Equipping from the Word of God. Reading the Bible gives you a new focus, teaches you on every aspect of life and equips with tools to respond in any given situation. Phil 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."

3. Yield to the Anointing of God. This is stepping into the supernatural. It is called the anointing and the Bible says in Isaiah 10:27, the anointing destroys the yoke! This is the breaking of chains and bonds that held you away from God's purposes for your life. God's "super" is rubbed (anointed) onto your "natural", creating a super-natural covering, or what Ephesians 6:10-18 describes as putting on the Armour of God so that you are able to stand and win against opposing spiritual forces.

4. Embrace the Comfort and Character of God. Growth happens by addition and subtraction, profit and loss... some things will have to go in order to make room for other things to manifest. You need comfort because when you loose something that you've been comfortable with, you experience a sense of loss but it is necessary in order for God's plans to be established in your life. 2 Cor 5:17 explains that becoming old things must pass away in order for you to experience the new life that is to come. Interestingly, people who remain in tact after going through loss, build character. That's God's best for you!

5. Live by the Enduring love of God... this is Agape love, or the God kind of love; never forget that God loves you, no matter what! His love sticks with you through thick and thin. Jeremiah 31:3, says "The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."

If you look back over the five stages of this road map, you will find P.E.A.C.E.


Father, I pray for peace in the midst of the storms of life. My heart is now tender to be in total surrender in your presence. Give me a hunger for Your word and let it fill the rooms of my heart with encouragement. Mark me with Your anointing so that I am able to stand against the wiles of spiritual forces that come against me. Comfort me as I change from the old me into the new me. Cause Your Character to build and grow in me. It is with great gratitude that I receive and embrace the everlasting enduring love that You have for me. Thank You for a joyous salvation! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

Inspiring hope and seasoning faith, Pastor Sean

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