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Regina M. Daigre | Day 19 of 40 Days

Training Redirects Growth

Welcome to Day 19 of our 40-day countdown to Easter! Training Redirects Growth. Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances (Proverbs 11:14). Don’t dropout of the race while God is educating you. God trains us through correction and chastisement. Seek God for spiritual training and you will grow spiritually.

Just as a parent disciplines a child, God disciplines those he loves. The discipline is not punishment but training. Irresponsible parents see their children heading down the wrong path, and turn their heads as if they don’t see it. But, not our God. He knows you will lose your way without good direction.

God is not an irresponsible parent that spoils his children. He sees us as dear children. When we are headed the wrong direction, God will chastise us, correct us, and steer us in the right direction with his loving kindness and tender mercies. The correction protects us from going the wrong way. It’s not punishment but training. We are never to old to be trained by our heavenly Father.

Pick up your head. Lift up your hands. Stand tall and keep moving forward. When God sees the thistles of resentment, anger, frustration, malice, strife, jealousy, and false humility rising up in your spiritual garden, the Holy Spirit is coming in to remove the thistles and the thorns.

God says, it’s time to do some weed control in your life. I’m not just going to break off the top of the weeds, but I’m getting down to the root of the weeds. I’m pulling them up out of your spirit man so that you can truly live. Just as the soil crumbles when the weeds are pulled out of the garden, discipline hurts the flesh. Although discipline is uncomfortable for the flesh, it gives life, nourishment, and oxygen to your spirit man.

God is not concerned about your whining and complaining when things get tough because he has you in training. God recognizes when your heart is not centered towards his son, Jesus Christ. Do you really expect your loving Father to allow you to continue in the wrong direction? Do you really expect your loving Father to be an irresponsible parent? When you go the wrong direction, God implements training for a new direction.

God’s way will always lead you to the cross. His training is to keep you from tripping in life. His training prepares you to run the race without stumbling over obstacles. God’s training will enable you to miss the pot holes and run on smooth paths.

God’s training is like keeping you in a greenhouse under careful instructions to cultivate your spiritual growth. God will pinch you, prune you, and restrict you while fertilizing your spirit man with nourishment to redirect your growth.

Accept God’s spiritual training so that you are equipped to love, serve, and lead.


Father God, the pinching, pruning, and restrictions don't feel good but I accept Your spiritual training that fertilizes my soul to redirect my growth. Thank you, Lord, for training me. Thank you for redirecting me. Holy Spirit, help me withstand the restrictions to my soul that I may grow in love and servant leadership, in the name of Jesus, amen.

~inspiring hope & seasoning faith, Dr. Regina M. Daigre

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