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  • Regina M. Daigre | Day 15 of 40 Days

Value One Another

Welcome to Day 15 of our 40-day countdown to Easter 2019! Value One Another. But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

A young man who is a public figure was preaching at a church. After the sermon, a gentleman approached him saying, “Are you going to attend the young leaders conference this fall?” This conference has a record of drawing 5000 attendees. The young preacher responded, “I can’t imagine not being there”. The gentleman went on about his business. What the gentleman did not know is that the young preacher was the conference host.

How many times have we sized people up by their appearance?

Instead of seeing people the way God sees them, we have our own blueprint for who we think the person is. Sadly, we think they should act like who we think they are.

God doesn’t see people that way. He sees our inner man, our inner attributes because He created us with some of His distinctive characteristics.

Our responsibility is to learn to see others the way God sees them.

We must learn to the see high value in others that God placed in them at birth.

We must learn to love people the way God loves people. We must learn to value people without any hidden agendas.

Our love for others must be without falsehood.


Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and ask you to forgive me from all unrighteousness. From this day forward, I make Jesus Lord and Savior of my life, in the name of Jesus, Amen.


Now that you are born again, find a good church home that teaches the word of God so that you may grow in the faith. Study the word of God so that you love Him, obey Him, and serve Him all the days of your life. And, remember to share the good news with someone else.


Heavenly Father, thank you for creating us in your own image. Thank you that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by you. Open our spiritual eyes to see the inner beauty of your sons and daughters.

Holy Spirit, help us to see others the way God see them, not outwardly but inwardly. Help us to value the distinctive natural attributes that God placed in each of us at birth.

In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

~inspiring hope & seasoning faith, Dr. Regina Daigre

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