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  • Sean & Regina Daigre | Day 11 of 21 Days 2019


Day 11 of 21 Days of Prayer. ROLLOVER. Are you ready to let God negotiate the conditions of your plans? Are you ready to let God handle your enemies? Are you ready to let God make the arrangements to give you uncommon success? If you answered yes to any of these questions; then, rollover, and let God handle your plans.


In Proverbs 16:3 KJV, the scripture reads, "Commit (rollover) thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts (plans) shall be established (bring about, cause to happen). This passage explains one sure way to open our lives to God's influence on our plans.

There are few things happening in this verse.


First, we must commit (rollover) our works to the Lord. That means everything we do should be committed (rolled over) completely to the Lord. Furthermore, it means we are completely depending on God.


Secondly, God is not about to change how we think. We change our thinking when we meditate and agree with God's word. Life would be so easy if God controlled our thinking, but God is looking for people who are willing and obedient (Isaiah 1:19-20). God loves us but he's not about to let us off the hook by controlling our thoughts. In other words, we are responsible for our own actions. The word "thought" in this verse means plan not what's on our mind. God wants us to rollover our will to him. We are to bring to God our "willing and obedient" hearts. When we give him our thoughts (plans) that align with His will with willing and obedient hearts; He will manifest his glory in our lives (Romans 8:28).


And finally, as we depend on God, he will establish (bring about, or cause to happen) our thoughts (plans). God wants us to rollover our plans to him because he's the one who can make our plans a success!


When our plans and the actions we take to reach them are committed to the Lord, He will breathe his influence on them. We intuitively know we have to make adjustments in our lives when we say we want to accomplish something special. But, saying it without a plan of action, especially a plan that is not committed to God, is ineffective.

Our plans must be totally rolled over to God. This means, we must rollover our daily agenda to God (Matthew 6:33). Rollover means the plans leave our hands, and we turn them over into the hands of God. Everything we've invested in our plans, we give it to God so that he can reinvest our plans to make them greater than what we could imagine.

More importantly, we must rollover our speech to God. We cannot create a plan and then speak death wishes on it and expect God to bring it to pass. No, God does not respond to words that do not align with his will. The way we think must align with his Word (Psalm 119:11).

God is only interested in plans that are truly committed to Him. Commitment is to rollover from dependence on ourselves to total dependence on God Almighty.


What do you desire to achieve this year?

Have you rolled it over it to the Lord?

God will only handle what you wholeheartedly rollover to Him.

When you commit your work to God, it's his job to bring about the plan. Your inner man will rejoice from the sense of satisfaction, knowing that God, is not only in your corner, but he will fulfill his part.

Commit your plan to God and he will breathe his influence on it.


Heavenly Father, I give you all my dreams. I give You all my plans. I place them in your hands. I commit my works to you alone who will give me success in every area of my life.

I ask you to influence my plans. Holy Spirit, breathe on my plans that I've rolled over to the Father. The barriers thrown across my path are only hurdles to make me stronger.

Season my faith with prayer.

Season my faith with daily victories.

Season my faith with encouragement.

Season my faith with hope and confidence through your Word.

I discharge myself from trying to control the outcome of my plans. And, I commit and rollover my plans to you. I offer everything that I do to you, Lord. My prayer is that you bless my efforts according to your perfect will.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Inspiring Hope and Seasoning Faith, Pastor Sean & Dr. Regina Daigre

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