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Sean a. Daigre, Sr. Day 13 of 21

Affordable Healthcare

Day 13 of 21 Days of Prayer. Affordable Healthcare. Healthcare has been and continues to be a major political and social concern around the world. Here in the United States, the Affordable Care Act was passed for the purpose of improving access to quality healthcare by making it affordable. The debate over the affordability part is still raging on while the need for healthcare does not change.

God has a healthcare policy too! It is available through salvation and can be accessed by faith. God's grace and mercy is the coverage for those who dare to believe and Jesus paid the price in full. It is affordable.

"For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague... And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague."

Mark 5:28‭-‬29‭, ‬34 KJV

This woman heard of Jesus and made up her mind to connect with him. When she touched Him, virtue within Him touched her and she was healed. Get in touch with Jesus!

"Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked... Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." John 5:8‭-‬9‭, ‬14 KJV

After you get in "touch" with Jesus and His touch heals you, change your behavior. Jesus said, "sin no more". There's a moment we must sober up and choose to change our ways. First Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us that your body is temple of the Holy Spirit and we are to glorify Him in it. Some health problems are a direct result of choices we make that impact our health. Is it affordable? With God's help, take care of your body. Feed it wisely. Give it proper rest. Exercise it and keep it physically and spiritually clean.

"Beloved I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]." 3 John 1:2 AMP

Finally, you must learn that getting healed is acute care but then you need maintenance care. That's called good health! And the price for good health is a regular ongoing diet of good spiritual health. You see, the soul is the seat of your mind, will and emotions. Improve that with God's guidance and you will improve your soul. As your soul prospers (in spiritual matters), you will then have success and good health in every way (in natural matters). The choice is yours and the cost is affordable.

Father, today I pray for wisdom to access Your healthcare plan. I will seek medical attention because that is the right thing to do, but I also confess that I need Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior - and from this moment, when it comes to my health, You are now on the throne of my life. As I follow my doctors instructions, I will keep in touch so You can touch me. I will change my behavior to make sure my body is a clean and healthy temple for Your presence. And I wi feed my faith so that my mind, will and emotions will succedd and prosper in every way of my life. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Inspiring Hope and Seasoning Faith, Pastor Sean

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