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Regina M. Daigre | Day 10 of 40


40 Days of Amazing Love – A love letter from God -Day 10 COMPELLED BY HIS LOVE


2 Corinthians 5:15

“For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.”


The last thing that I heard before falling asleep last night was “the love of God compels us”. I’m often moved when the Holy Spirit drops spiritual breadcrumbs in my spirit man. As I pondered the word compel, I began to understand that God’s love for us is so great that “we are moved [compelled] to change our conduct to glorify him”.

The word compel in this verse does not mean force. God will not force us to do anything against our will.

God gave his son to die for us so that we may live. In other words, Jesus Christ saved your life. He died for us so that we could die to sin and live.

You’ve seen television shows and probably witnessed real life events where someone saved another person’s life. The person rescued is so grateful. There’s an immediate bond and connection. They feel compelled to show gratitude to the rescuer for life. Their whole perspective on life changes because someone saved their life. Honor, praise, and lifetime recognition goes to the hero.

The spiritual and emotional energy we draw from God’s love compels us to live a life that reflects his love in everything that we do.

Jesus Christ died so that we could live.


Does the love of God move you to change your conduct to glorify him?

Meditate on “the love of God compels us” throughout the day. Allow God’s word to permeate your conduct, lifestyle, and decisions.

~inspiring hope and seasoning faith, Pastor Sean and Dr. Regina M. Daigre

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