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Sean A. Daigre, Sr. | Day 21 of 21 Days of Prayer


Updated: Apr 6, 2020

Then he said, “Daniel, don't be afraid. God has heard your prayers ever since the first day you decided to humble yourself in order to gain understanding. I have come in answer to your prayer. The angel prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief angels, came to help me, because I had been left there alone in Persia (Daniel 10:12-13)."


Father in Heaven, thank you for revealing that I am highly favored in Your sight. I am so glad I have continued in prayer, inspiring hope, seasoning faith, for 21 Days. Now that I am on track, invoking your presence and influence in my life daily, grant me the desire and dedication to pray continually.

I realize that I am part of the battle and with that understanding I will not brake the line by quitting. Just like the angel touched Daniel, told him to not be afraid and strengthened him, do the same for me.

I pray for divine strength to stand and overcome my enemies. I pray for courage to face the rest of 2017. I pray for the hearts and souls of those I come in contact with to be won for Your Glory.

In the name of Jesus Christ , Amen! ~Pastor Sean Daigre, Sr.


We've made it to Day 21 to 21 Days of Prayer! In Daniel 10:10-13, We see something very encouraging! Daniel reports that on day 21, an angel showed up and told him a few things. He said, "You are highly esteemed...since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and humble yourself before God, your words were heard...But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days; but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the kings of Persia."

After 21 Days of consistently praying, Daniel was told that two angels were sent, one with a response to his prayer and Michael the arch angel came to help in the battle against the forces that were trying to stop the answer to Daniel's prayer. Often we get tired of the fight because it seems like nothing is happening. But in spirit realm, there is extreme activity as your prayers bring opposition to those things that are fighting against you. In fact, God will send reinforcements! That's how important we are in God's kingdom agenda.

Our role in this spiritual fight is more important, more crucial, than many realize. If you have prayed even once during these 21 days, you have made a difference. One angel left to bring the message while Michael continued fighting. He would have to return to help Michael who was ~ get this ~ fighting for you!!!

Whatever it is that you must pray about, the worse thing you can do is to stop praying! You have no idea how extreme the battle is when you choose to pray. You have no idea how God marshals heavenly forces to stand on behalf of His faithful ones. You feel or sense the weight and heaviness of the moment and don't know why. Well, now you know. There is a battle of evil coming against the good you're praying for and what you feel is the pull of human limitation to simply stop praying. But Daniel found out that prayer changes things!

Inspiring Hope and Seasoning Faith, Pastor Sean

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