Welcome to Day 30 of our 40-day countdown to Easter! Peanut Butter Encouragement. Encouragement is like peanut butter ~ the more you spread it around, the better things stick together.
In this day and age, people need to be encouraged more than ever before.
There are daily news reports that destroy confidence in society and often, it will also lead to a lack of confidence in ourselves. Clinical depression is being diagnosed at an all time high, crime statistics continue to rise, families are breaking down at alarming rates and our political leaders seldom inspire the confidence that things are going to be alright. This is precisely when we need to spread a little peanut butter encouragement!
Recognize who you are. According to I Peter 2:9, you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. You must know your identity. Know that you are specifically chosen, hand picked by God and uniquely qualified to be a winner.
Remember who you were. Verse 10 of I Peter 2 goes on talking about you. It says, in time past you were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. Peanut butter may not be sweet, but freedom certainly is! Life without Jesus as Lord and Savior is not a thing to be proud of. Remember how it was? Romans 6:20-21 asks us "what fruit did you reap from what you are now ashamed of?" When you remember what held you back and why you chose to change, you'll never go back!
Refuse to do a God thing without God! It takes a renewed mind, a holy will and purified emotions to reflect the character of God in a society that is drifting away from God. The next two verses (I Peter 2:11-12) begs us to abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. It says our purpose is to live honestly among others so even if they speak evil of us, they will see our good works and glorify God. One of the most encouraging things you can do for yourself is to encourage others. But to be effective at encouraging others, you must set a good example. Do that by being God's beloved and say 'good bye' to the enemies of your soul.
At High Hopes Church, our mission is to inspire hope that dreams CAN come true and to season faith in God that dreams WILL come true. We accomplish this by loving others, serving others and leading by example.
Let's pray...
Lord, I am excited to spread some peanut butter encouragement. Upgrade my sight so that I can clearly see who I am in Christ. Refresh my memory so that I remember how much better life is with You than the way it was without You. Reinforce my heart to courageously reflect your glory every where I go. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!
~Inspiring hope and seasoning faith, Pastor Sean