Day 18 of 21 Days. Seeds of Wisdom to Unlock Stubborn Doors. Have you ever been in a situation when you needed an answer but could not find it? #ihavebeenthere Everything you’ve tried does not seem to work. You continuously run into a brick wall. Over the next 52 days, I challenge you to declare:
I walk in wisdom. I walk in stature. I walk in favor with God and favor with man each and every day of my life (Luke 2:52). Wisdom is the essence of your experience, knowledge, good behavior, and good judgment. Stature is your reputation speaking on your behalf.
Have you ever applied for a job and did not get it? Later you discover the hiring manager was looking for someone with more experience and knowledge.
Have you ever misbehaved and later regretted it? Has your inappropriate behavior caused doors to shut in your life?
Have you ever tried to make a good decision but because of your lack of wisdom, knowledge, experience, and poor behavior, you made a faulty decision?
You’ve been trying to open jammed doors all of your life. You’ve been trying to open stubborn doors, but they just want bulge? You have not been able to open the doors because you’ve lacked wisdom, stature, favor with God and favor with man.
Today, your status is about to change.
Again, I challenge you to declare:
I walk in wisdom. I walk in stature. I walk in favor with God and favor with man each and every day of my life (Luke 2:52). You literally have to say this aloud. The spoken Word is a seed. When the Word of God is released, it’s planted. You have to cultivate your seed as it grows. That means practice what you speak. The process for the seed to manifest in your life will take time that’s why you must continue to speak the word daily.
As you speak this word in your life, began to record the words of wisdom whether it comes from your prayer time, another believer, the radio, television, or social media. As you began to speak God’s word in your life, wisdom will begin to unfold in areas where you really need it. The Holy Spirit will begin to work on your behalf as you began to speak God’s word.
When you walk in wisdom, God will use your stature to unlock stubborn doors.
Your reputation will proceed you.
Your stature will speak for you without you opening your mouth.
Your stature will pry open stubborn doors that were once unmovable.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and in all thy getting get understanding (Proverbs 4: 5-7).
It takes WISDOM AND PRAYER to unlock stubborn doors.
When you finish praying water your prayers with some praise and worship!
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Luke 2:52
Father God, I have been a fool most of the days of my life because I’ve relied on my thoughts instead of your thoughts. I forsake my foolish ways and take up my cross to follow you. I declare today, I walk in wisdom. I walk in stature. I walk in favor with you, God. And, I walk in favor with man. Holy Spirit of God, I’m asking you to help me unlock some stubborn doors in my life. I pray for seeds of wisdom in my life and the manifestation of the harvest. Lord God, I ask you for:
Wisdom in my Stature
Wisdom in Rearing my Children
Wisdom in Developing my Character
Wisdom in my Relationships
Wisdom in my Finances
Wisdom in Making life Changing Decisions
Wisdom in Peace
Wisdom in Love
Wisdom in Kindness
Wisdom in Mercy
Wisdom in Grace
Wisdom in Encouragement
Wisdom in Making Tough Decisions
Wisdom in my Marriage
Wisdom and the Right Company
Wisdom and Honesty
Wisdom and Respect
Wisdom and Confidence
Wisdom and Balancing my Life
Wisdom and Healthy Living
Wisdom and Becoming Who You Designed me to be
Wisdom and My Being
Wisdom and Career
Wisdom and Ministry
Wisdom and Business
Strengthen me Lord in wisdom, stature, favor with You, and favor with man so that I can unlock stubborn doors in my life and release my true potential to impact a dying world in need of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus, amen!
~Inspiring hope and seasoning faith, Dr. Regina M. Daigre
P.S.: Don't forget to cultivate your prayers with some praise and worship. Wisdom and prayer will unlock stubborn doors in your life but praise and worship will make the seed grow. Praise and worship will make your baby leap!