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  • Regina Daigre | Day 36 of 40


Updated: Apr 6, 2020

One cold rainy December day, I was driving on I-85 North in southern metropolitan Atlanta. As I cautiously approached the interstate, I drove to the center lane maintaining a speed of about 35 mph because the rain poured heavily with about a two miles visibility. All of a sudden, my vehicle made an about face.

At this point, I knew that I was in God's hands. As the vehicle drifted to the far left lane, I cried out "God save me". I was now facing traffic that was behind me. Then, the vehicle made another about face and I was driving with the flow of traffic. Thankfully, there were not any cars near my vehicle. Needless to say, I took the next exit and returned home.

When I arrived home, I got on my knees and thanked God for protecting me. I knew it was God’s divine protection. Not only did God protect me from this situation but if it had not been for this experience I would have driven my vehicle to Port Arthur, Texas for my uncle’s funeral, which could have been a far worse experience for me personally.

As a normal procedure, I had my automobile serviced before the road trip. I discovered that the two front wheel lower arm controls where cracked, which causes the vehicle to make an abrupt turn. Admittedly, I usually challenge and verify everything an auto specialist tells me but not this time. When the auto specialist explained to me what happens when the front wheel lower arm controls crack, I knew he was telling the truth because I had already had an experience.

The lesson that I learned here is that God protects us and he guides us but we must ask Him for help in time of need. Psalm 121: 5-7 says, “The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your life. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in [everything that you do] from this time forth and forever”.

As you go about your day, ask God for DIVINE PROTECTION for yourself, family, neighbors, and the body of Christ.


Heavenly Father, I know that divine protection comes from You. So, I ask You to wrap Your protective covering all around me. Watch over my family, friends, church, community, nation and Israel. Make us sensitive to danger and guide us away from it. And if we must face it, lead us through it and equip us to overcome it, in the name if Jesus, Amen!

~inspiring hope & seasoning faith, Dr. Regina M. Daigre, Servant Leadership Pastor

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