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  • Regina Daigre | Day 13


Updated: Apr 5, 2020

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion (Muhammad Ali).” Can you imagine the World's Greatest Boxing Champion wanting to quit? Of course not because he was a man who just could not be stopped. Muhammad Ali was relentless. He once said that the greatest energy is expended during the last few repetitions of his workout. That is when he would push himself the hardest. Because this is when champions are made. In your prayer life, you must be relentless so that you can live the rest of your life as a champion.

Creating a daily prayer habit is one discipline that is challenging for many Christians. Yet, people who pray regularly find strength and confidence to resist those things in life that rob them of their dreams. Jesus tells the story of an unjust judge who had no regard for God or the opinions of men. But when the widow kept coming to the unjust judge to rightly avenge her of her enemy, over time, the unjust judge granted the request (Luke 18). Why did the judge give in? It was because the widow was relentless in asking. She continued to ask for what she wanted until she received the breakthrough. Jesus emphasized,"...that men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1 KJV)." God wants us to be relentless, non-stop, and persistent in our prayer life. He is the unseen presence working on our behalf during our asking.

In the moment you are


champion is born.

If you are serious about achieving your dreams, you must make up your mind to be relentless. Fix your heart and mind on the target and give it all you've got. Then, when you get tired and feel as though you might quit, think about Muhammad Ali's last few repetitions of his workout. This is when you must push yourself the hardest. This is what moved the unjust judge by the widow's relentless effort. In the moment you are relentless a champion is born.


Lord, I desire to be relentless in my prayer life so that I can live the rest of my life as a champion. In the moment I feel as though I cannot continue to pray, I ask you to imbue me with your presence and power. Avenge me of mental distractions, doubt, and fear. Holy Spirit, energize me to pray continuously, in Jesus's name, Amen!

Inspiring Hope and Seasoning Faith, Dr. Regina Daigre

​Dr. Regina M. Daigre, Prayer Firewall Blog Founder | Editorial Director

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